School Curriculum

IB Curriculum

The IB framework — Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme, Diploma and Careers Programm — offers education to children aged 3 to 19 years old. The programme focuses on fostering higher-order thinking skills while encouraging diversity, a global perspective, curiosity, and a desire for learning and excellence.

UK Curriculum

The UK curriculum is divided into 5 major stages, Key Stage 1 to 5, which provides education to children aged 3 to 18 years old. While studying in a happy and stimulating environment, students receive appropriate and balanced academic challenges. These enable them to tap into their unique potential in a supportive environment. Students will generally study 8 to 12 subjects. At the end of Key Stage 4 and 5, students will take the (I)GCSE and A-Levels public examinations respectively.

US Curriculum

The curriculum of most US international schools in Hong Kong is based on the Common Core. The Common Core is a set of high-quality academic state standards covering English Art, Literacy, and Mathematics. The learning goals outline what a student should know and be able to do at the end of each school year. The US curriculum integrates a wide range of extracurricular activities that provide comprehensive all-around education. In addition to helping students develop intellectual, emotional, and social skills, it also helps stimulate their imagination to the fullest.

Canadian Curriculum

Instead of having a national curriculum, each province in Canada has its own curriculum. International schools in Hong Kong offer both the Ontario and Alberta curricula for Elementary School and High School. The Grade structure may vary at different schools. It is a robust curriculum that allows access to tertiary education at a wide range of global institutions.




英國的課程共分為5個主要階段 — 關鍵階段1至5。這些階段為3至18歲的兒童及少年提供教育。 在一個愉快且具啟發性的學習環境下,學生會接受適當及均衡的學術挑戰。讓他們能夠在一個擁有充分鼓勵及指導下的環境下發揮潛能。14-16歲的學生會進入到關鍵階段4的課程,他們會修讀國際中學教育普通證書(I/GCSE),並學習8 至12門科目。16-18歲時會修讀關鍵階段5課程,學生會選修3至4門高考 (A-Level) 科目。學生亦可選修有利於報讀大學的額外職業教育課程。



